Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reaching for Heart Circle

listen to those who listen to you . . .
with all you are, with all you do . . .
tell your truth, share your soul . . .
not looking for answers, no questions to tell . . .
the circle is a mirror, call it, then believe it . . .
as you need this too.

feel all that you are, in every breath, in every word . . .
the words may get in the way, yet we're all the same . . .
need only bring out your heart, share it to all . . .
like the light from a star, it travels so far . . .
the warmth be forever, the comfort so good . . .
you came as you are, you leave as you do.

never forget the truth we share . . .
it is ours to hold, then ours to spread . . .
we can again close our minds, our hearts as well . . .
this snuffs our light, abandons what's pure . . .
we have something to offer, don't hold onto it too tight . . .
you might lose it in the darkness, oh what to do.

yet, the answers remain within us . . .
we need only open up to feel . . .

by listening to those who listen to you.

 -Bloomin' Lilacs

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